What does “Easy Software for Builders” mean?
Does easy software for builders mean it is… Easy to setup? Easy to comprehend? Or is the software so simple a caveman could use it?
What is easy for one person isn’t necessary easy for another. Many people have designed their own software because they thought the software in the market was too hard to use but only to find out that their software was hard to use by others. Again, what is easy for one person isn’t necessary easy for another. What it comes down to is the operator’s skill set.
Many builders and contractors discuss that a program is hard.
The skill set of an individual will ultimately determine if a software program is easy. Typically, a software programs for job cost accounting comes easier for an accountant that is skilled in job cost accounting. An estimating program comes easiest for estimators skilled in estimating. Lead tracking & follow-up marketing software comes easier for sales people skilled in the understanding of tracking leads and marketing.
The key to easy builder software is hiring the right people to use the software in the first place. You can’t expect a sales person to be an accountant or an accountant to become a sales person; so thinking that a computer software will do this for them is not helpful to anyone.
Unfortunately, many contractors don’t have the resources to hire the individuals with the right skill set. So, what can they do? The answer is training and education. There are many educational institutions that provide training in cost accounting, design, estimating, project management, sales and marketing. Another option available are outside coaches and training organizations that teach a particular skill set or sets of skills. Many software providers like J. Knutson & Associates, Inc. provides training not only on their software but also on the proper processes and procedures that are incorporated in their software that they recommend.
A trained and able staff using the right software will turn your business into an expensive Swiss watch with all gears working together, precise and accurate.